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One of the main intentions of the Experyment Science Centre is to co-create a friendly environment for development and acquiring knowledge. One of the activities that we happily undertake as part of this mission is cooperation with other domestic and foreign institutions and centers, both cultural, scientific and touristic. We participate in the work of the international ECSITE organization and the nationwide organization SPiN. Together with other municipal institutions, we implement the UNESCO – Gdynia learning city program. We actively participate in other projects whose principles are consistent with our statutory goals.

Latest international programs:

Science Inspired
Science Inspired is an international project created by science centers from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Greece. Its purpose is to increase the interest and participation of young people in the offer of science centers, inspire them to take on scientific challenges and implement their own projects. As part of Science Inspired program, study visits were carried out at each of the cooperating centers. Educators and teachers had the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experience and good practices. The project resulted in the creation of innovative methods and tools based on new technologies, whose task is to explain scientific issues, inspire to experiment and develop creativity. Additionally, members created an educational platform, on which the content and of the project are published, as well as inspirations for teachers and young people.
Duration: 12.2018 – 01.2021
Project leader: Experyment Science Centre
Agora Science Centre – Hungary, Debrecen
VIDA! Science Center – Czech Republic, Brno
NOESIS Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum – Greece, Thessaloniki

BalticMUSEUMS Love IT!
The project, in which nine museum institutions from the countries of the Baltic Sea took part, has created a new international tourist product – a multilingual mobile application useful when visiting attractions of the cultural and natural heritage of the countries of the South Baltic. As part of the project, hackathons, i.e. meetings of programmers, were organized, during which participants created technological basics of the app. There were also trainings devoted to gamification, storytelling, user experience and creating videos.
Duration: 2017 – 2020
University of Szczecin (Poland)
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
National Marine Fisheries Research Institute Museum (Poland)
Lithuanian Sea Museum (Lithuania)
Malmö Museums (Sweden)
NaturBornholm (Denmark)
Experyment Science Centre (Poland)
“Netcamp” Internet Industry Development Foundation (Poland)
Business Academy North gGmbH (Germany)

ERC=Science2 (Science Squared)
ERC = SCIENCE2 is a pan-European communication campaign aimed at popularizing the most socially significant scientific achievements. Its purpose is to awaken interest in science, explain landmark scientific breakthroughs for humanity, support scientists and inspire a new generation of researchers and discoverers to consistently search for truth and conduct research in all scientific fields. The project involved 8 European institutions under the leadership of the European Network of Science Centers and Museums – ECSITE, which have prepared over 75 interdisciplinary events located at universities, museums, science centers and research institutions.
Duration: 2016 – 2018
European Network of Science Centres and Museums – ECSITE
University College Cork
Ciência Viva – Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica
Euro-Mediterranean University – EMUNI
Science Business Publishing Ltd.
Vision 2020
University of Zagreb School of Medicine (UZSM)
Associated partners: 10 institutions, including Experyment Science Centre

The Hypatia project aimed to involve young people aged 13-18 in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). An important element of the project was the promotion of equality in access to education by encouraging girls to choose the profession of researchers and building a future career based on science subjects in the field of STEM domains. Hypatia connected science centers and museums, schools, research institutions and industry with experts, directing their offer directly to teenagers. These groups collaborated at national and continental level, co-organizing activities and events.
Duration in Experyment: 09.2015 – 08.2018
Cooperation: science centers and museums in Austria, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Great Britain.

UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
As an institution of Gdynia city, Experyment implements the Learning Cities program. Together with organizations set up to implement the objectives of the program, Centre prepares tools and methods and develops the thematic scope of the offer to meet the different expectations and needs of the recipients – from the youngest, through school and student youth, to adults and seniors.

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