BalticMUSEUMS Love IT!
project goals
To create a new international tourist offering – a multilingual mobile application used when visiting cultural and natural heritage sites of the countries in the South Baltic region. The application contains information about selected tourist facilities, including photos and multimedia content. The resulting tool is to contribute to the development of a sustainable, cross-border network of tourist attractions. A special website dedicated to the application and the project will launch soon.
- Hackathons – meetings of software developers aimed at creating detailed technological solutions for the application.
- Training for project members in gamification, storytelling, user experience (UX) and creating video content.
A new tool that stimulates the interest and enhances the experience of visitors on site: a digital guide to project-related tourist attractions in the form of a multilingual mobile application using elements of gamification to immerse users.
financed by: European Regional Development Fund, INTERREG South Baltic Program 2014–2020.
duration: 2017–2020
University of Szczecin (Poland)
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Gdynia Aquarium (Poland)
Lithuanian Sea Museum (Lithuania)
Malmö Museum (Sweden)
NaturBornholm (Denmark)
Experyment Science Centre (Poland)
NETCAMP Foundation of Internet Industry Development (Poland)
Business Academy North GmbH (Germany)
more about the project: