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Hygiene procedures at Experyment Science Centre

safe learning

Dear Visitor, our main goal is to make sure that you are safe and comfortable when visiting our exhibitions. Therefore, we are introducing new procedures for visiting ESC, in line with the current legislation. Please read the following before visiting us. We are looking forward to seeing you!

1. Our exhibition hall can hold a maximum of 350 persons. This makes your visit much more comfortable and allows the educators to easily tell you about everything!

2. Visitors who have obvious symptoms (persistent cough, general feeling of being unwell, difficulty breathing) will not be admitted. We care about the comfort of out visitors and employees, we hope you understand.

3. Persons who had contact with people who are ill, infected, isolated or quarantined will not be admitted to the Centre.

4. Each visitor must wear mouth and nose coverings at all times, so remember to have your face mask with you or to cover your mouth and nose in another way!

5. We have increased the monitoring and frequency of daily cleanup, putting special emphasis on cleaning all frequently touched surfaces and all of the bathrooms. We clean and sanitise them at least once an hour!

6. Please remember to keep a safe distance during your visit, both inside the museum and on the access paths. We offer a fast-track entry to the exhibitions for persons with pre-purchased tickets and for organised groups. If you already have a ticket, go straight ahead for the entry gates. Please make sure you do not form clusters in public space.

7. Our staff are going to check the number of persons accessing staircases, lifts and corridors which link the underground car park to the ticket offices and the entrance area. We hope you understand and we count on your cooperation.

8. Remember to keep 2 metres separation from other visitors and Experyment’s staff. We’ve marked the suggested distances in all areas where you wait in line to buy tickets or enter exhibitions. Our staff are obligated to ensure that the appropriate distances are being observed.

9. At each entrance and in key locations throughout the building we’ve located hand sanitizer facilities and pedal-operated bins for used gloves and disposable face masks. Please note their locations, especially near the ticket offices, near entrances to exhibitions, in the Food Court and near bathrooms.

10. All our ticket offices and automatic payment machines allow cashless transactions. Cashless payments are faster and more convenient!

11. We have rearranged our Food Court to meet the current industry requirements and regulations.

12. Please take all necessary item with you to the exhibitions. The cloakroom is closed until further notice.

13. Hygiene and sanitation facilities, such as bathrooms, have been fitted with detailed instructions on how to wash your hands and how to take off and put on your gloves and face masks. Next to hand sanitation facilities you can find instructions on how to sanitize your hands properly. Please read them!

14. We have disconnected all blow-dryers in the bathrooms.

15. The staff at the exhibitions have all the currently required personal protection equipment.

14. Exhibits have been divided into 4 categories, and there are separate hygiene procedures for each category.

15. The Toddler Zone (Strefa Malucha) and the selected exhibits which required excessive physical interactions have been closed.

16. We have modified the procedures for VISITING WITH THE EDUCATOR for individuals and for groups.

17. The ventilation and air conditioning systems have been sanitized and, as an additional measure, we regularly air the exhibition rooms.

18. We have prepared a special room with personal protection equipment and sanitizing fluid where we can isolate a person with symptoms of disease, if necessary.

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