Experyment’s exhibitions temporarily closed Experyment’s exhibitions temporarily closed
Due to the restrictions related to the COVID-19 epidemic, Experyment Science Centre exhibitions will be temporarily closed to visitors. We apologize for inconvenience. We want to stay with you online – follow our social media to stay in touch and and be up to date. We also publish our videos with experiments and popular science materials every day!

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Podsumowanie projektu „CO2 z tym powietrzem? Edukujemy ekologicznie w Gdyni”
W obliczu narastających zmian klimatycznych potrzeba edukacji ekologicznej nigdy nie była bardziej paląca. Globalne ocieplenie, zanieczyszczenie powietrza i degradacja środowiska…
Guided tours
for individual visitors Take a look at the exhibition from a completely different angle: through the eyes of an expert…
UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
According to UNESCO, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. In 2030, this indicator will exceed 60%….